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Playground. © Stephanie Hofschläger - © Stephanie Hofschläger - A recurring problem in everyday life is the question of childcare. Suddenly, the babysitter falls ill, an important appointment for you can not take the child with you, or the occupational situation of the mother / father changes, and the usual care times are no longer sufficient.

On this page you will find detailed information about childcare facilities in Münster. The spectrum ranges from day care to emergency care.

Organisations in Münster

Amt für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien - Fachstelle Kindertagespflege (Office for children, young people and families - Specialized child day care center)

Amt für Kinder, Jugendliche und FamilienChild day care is a bonding-based, stimulating and child-oriented form of care in small groups which  is especially suitable for children in the first three years of life. Childminding is legally anchored in the eighth book of the German Social Code (Sozialgesetzbuch), as well as in the Children's Education Act (Kinderbildungsgesetz, KiBiz).

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Babysitter register in the Familienzentrum Kita Rumphorst provided by the Familienbildung Friedensstraße e.V.

Babysitterkartei in der KITA Rumphorst

Familienzentrum KiTa Rumphorst keeps a babysitter register broken down by city district. The centre offers babysitting courses in collaboration with Familienbildung Friedensstraße e.V. and keeps a register of babysitters for the Rumphorst district.

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Childminding advice centre at the Amt für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien

Amt für Kinder. Jugendliche und Familien

Childminding is a bonding-based , stimulating and child-oriented form of care in small groups which  is especially suitable for children in the first three years of life. Childminding is legally anchored in the eighth book of the German Social Code (Sozialgesetzbuch), as well as in the Children's Education Act (Kinderbildungsgesetz, KiBiz).

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DiNo - Dienst im Notfall

Logo DinoA VAMV project

The Verband alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter e.V. (Single Parents Association, VAMV) also offers emergency childcare.

DiNo stands for Dienst im Notfall (‘service in an emergency’), and provides experienced carers who come to your home to look after your children and help with domestic tasks.

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Eltern helfen Eltern e.V. - Parent-run childcare facilities

Information and advice for parent-run childcare facilities

Although Münster does have sufficient daycare provision, providing appropriate, close to home places for children under three remains a goal to strive for.

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Familienbildung Friedensstraße e.V. babysitter register

logo familienbildung friedensstr

Familienbildung Friedensstraße e.V. babysitter register

Familienbildung Friedensstraße e.V. keeps a register of babysitters, which is available to consult on request. (The register can be consulted in person only – we are not able to deal with telephone enquiries.) The register contains the addresses of young people who have taken a babysitting course at Familienbildung Friedensstraße e.V.

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Familienbüro der Stadt Münster (Family Office of the City of Münster)

Jugendamt der Stadt Münster

The Family Office is an open information and advice centre for all questions relating to family, parenthood and upbringing.. 

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