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Advice, education & support

Schulung. © plumbe -© plumbe -

In Münster there is a wide range of counseling and education opportunities that can be found in the individual districts. The following facilities provide assistance and support for crises and problems that may affect your children but also you personally.

In addition, there are also numerous institutions that offer educational opportunities and opportunities for leisure activities.

Organisations in Münster

Advice centre for parents, children and adolescents

Who can use our services?

  • parents, children, adolescents, young adults and their attachment figures

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Ambulant educational assistance from AWO

Logo der AWOArbeiterwohlfahrt Unterbezirk Münsterland - Recklinghausen

Our services are aimed at:

  • families, single parents, children, adolescents and young adults who find themselves in a situation where they need special individual support, advice or assistance

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Amt für Gleichstellung Stadt Münster (Office for Equality of the City of Münster)

Logo des Amt für Gleichstellung Münster

Equal opportunities and equality of all genders in Münster are legal mandate and goal for the city administration and our city's society.

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asb - arbeitskreis soziale bildung und beratung e. V.

Seminars for parents and children

Our seminars are aimed at parents and children in all sorts of different circumstances, and offer an opportunity to get to know each other, share your experiences, try out new perspectives and approaches and tackle a wide range of different topics.

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Beratung und Therapie für Frauen e.V.

Logo von Beratung und Therapie e.V.

We aim to help:

  • women of all ages
  • women in acute crisis situations
  • women who suffer from depression, anxiety, have been victims of violence, have low self-esteem, psychosomatic disorders, loneliness and social anxiety, eating disorders, body image issues, have been victims of sexual abuse, have work-related issues or separation problems, or are experiencing relationship or family conflict

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Beratungs- und BildungsCentrum GmbH der Diakonie Münster (Psychological counselling for parenting, relationship and life problems)

Logo Diakonie Münster

Coming for counselling means you’ve already taken the first step to overcoming them.

We offer counselling on all aspects of living together as a family, relationships and personal problems.

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Caritas Counseling Centres for Parents, Children and Adolescents

Logo Caritas Münster

Who can use our services?

  • Parents, children, adolescents, young adults (up to 27 years) and their related persons, as well as pedagogical specialists from Münster.

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Caritas on site – Counselling Centres - General social counselling

Logo Caritas Münster

As part of the general social counseling in Münster, Caritas advises and accompanies you in questions of social law as well as personal, family or financial problems.

If necessary, you can be referred to the other specialized services. People in difficult life situations can confidently turn to the staff of the social counseling.

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cuba Unemployment Advice Service

Logo cuba

cuba BSA Münster advises and supports people who are affected by unemployment or have to work under precarious as well as exploitative working conditions.

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Deutscher Kinderschutzbund (German Child Protection League) Münster branch

Logo Kinderschutzbund

Specialized Councelling Center KiM (Kinder im Mittelpunkt - Children in the Center)

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Ehe-, Familien- und Lebensberatung im Bistum Münster (Marriage, family and life counselling in the Diocese of Münster)

Logo der Ehe-, Familien- und Lebensberatung im Bistum Münster

We counsel

individuals or couples who are looking for support in overcoming relationship and other personal problems and life crises. The services are aimed at adult people with and without children, regardless of age, religious affiliation, nationality, marital status and sexual orientation.

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