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Pregnancy always entails lots of changes and parents-to-be can consequently be left with a lot of questions.
When you first become pregnant, you may face the potentially difficult decision of whether or not you wish to continue the pregnancy. You may also have questions about career prospects, financial assistance, custody of the child, housing, etc. To find the information you need, please refer to the index at the back of this brochure.
During pregnancy and in the initial period after your child is born, you may be able to obtain financial assistance from the following organisations:
If you are on a low income, you can apply for financial assistance from the “Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind” or the City of Münster Discretionary Fund (Sonderfonds der Stadt Münster). Grants can be made for pregnancy-related expenses.
The Bundesstiftung allows you to make a single application to cover the whole of the pregnancy. In Münster, these funds are disbursed by the Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen, Donum Vitae and City of Münster pregnancy counselling centres.
Funds from the City of Münster Discretionary Fund are disbursed by all five pregnancy counselling centres. Applications can be made at these centres.
Important: To be eligible to apply for funds from the Discretionary Fund, you must have been in contact with a pregnancy counselling centre during the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy. Grants from the Discretionary Fund may in some cases be awarded for up to three years after the birth.
If you are in receipt of Arbeitslosengeld II unemployment benefit or comparable benefits, you can apply to the Jobcenter for grants for maternity clothing and for initial baby equipment. Free-form applications (there is no application form) should be made in writing.
Grants for maternity clothing and initial baby equipment are also available if you are a student or on a vocational training scheme (Ausbildung).
Working women who are insured through a statutory health insurance provider (gesetzliche Krankenkasse) will be paid maternity allowance (Mutterschaftsgeld) by their health insurance provider during the period of statutory maternity leave (six weeks before and eight weeks after the birth). Your health insurance provider can provide you with further information.
Organisations in Münster