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Financial and legal information

Change in hands. © Syda_Productions -© Syda_Productions -

Would you like to know more about financial support options and your rights?

The following articles provide an overview of what assistance you can apply for, what funds you are entitled to and the legal situation.

Further information

Legal aid for legal advice and court costs

Legal costs. © Thorben Wengert -© Thorben Wengert - pixelio.deIn a legal dispute, costs can start to mount up even before a case has come to court. Costs such as the cost of obtaining legal advice, for example. Under the Beratungshilfegesetz (Legal Aid for Legal Advice Act), if you are not able to pay these costs yourself, you can apply to the Amtsgericht (district court) for legal aid.

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Help with debt

Debt. © ginasanders - © ginasanders - Depositphotos.comDebt problems are often precipitated by adverse events such as unemployment, separation, divorce or illness.

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House model on coins stack. Property investment concept.  © burdun - © burdun - Depositphotos.comFor low-income households, it is often worth applying for Wohngeld (housing benefit). For tenants this is paid in the form of a rent subsidy, for owner occupiers in the form of a housing cost payment.

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Taxation and tax allowances

©  GG Berlin -© GG Berlin - pixelio.deEven if it takes some work, it is worthwhile for single parents to file a tax return.

In this way, some costs can be deducted from taxes, thereby relieving the family budget.

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Maintenance and maintenance advance

Shopping basket with fresh products in modern grocery market.Both parents have a duty to provide for their child until that child has completed their education or vocational training. A parent who lives with a child who is either under the age of 18 or still attending school provides for their child by caring for that child and is not obliged to provide for the child financially. Conversely, the parent who no longer lives with the child is obliged to provide for the child financially, even where the parents have joint custody of the child.

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Elterngeld (parental allowance), ElterngeldPlus (parental allowance plus) und Elternzeit (Parental Leave)

Costs for a baby. © photographyMK -  © photographyMK - Under the Bundeselterngeldgesetz (Federal Parental Allowance Act), parents can apply for Elterngeld (parental allowance). The idea behind the new law is that parents who work less in order to look after a child should be compensated for the resulting financial loss. In addition, the law aims to provide an incentive for both parents to look after their child by providing for Partnermonate (‘partner months’). Partnermonate are only granted where both parents take at least two months parental leave for the purpose of looking after their child and during that time work an average of minimale 24 and maximale 32 hours per week.

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Kindergeld (child benefit) and Kindergeldzuschlag (supplementary child benefit)

© Petra Bork -© Petra Bork - pixelio.deParents resident in the Federal Republic of Germany are eligible to receive Kindergeld, which takes the form of a child-related tax relief.

In January 2023 the Kindergeld was raised and it will be € 250 per month for each child.

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Bürgergeld (citizens’ allowance) and Grundsicherung (basic income benefits)

Antragsformular und Centstapel. © Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt -© Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt -

In Münster, the job center is responsible for all questions relating to citizens' income. With questions and applications regarding the granting of benefits as well as gainful employment and integration You can get in touch with the contact persons at the job center in Stadthaus II or the job centers in Hiltrup, Wolbeck and Kinderhaus.

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