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Amt für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familie - Schwangerschaftsberatung (Office for children, young people and families - Pregnancy counselling service)

Amt für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien der Stadt Münster

Pregnant? Young or old, you are likely to have a lot of questions. And the answers are not always straightforward. Depending on your personal circumstances, pregnancy may be a critical period in your life. Problems may arise as a result of your professional or financial situation, the attitude of your partner, your age, or worries about the responsibility of caring for a child.

From general information to specific advice for individuals or in an emergency, the City of Münster pregnancy counselling service is here to help.

Services provided by the pregnancy and abortion counselling service:

  • advice on all issues relating to pregnancy and childbirth up to the child's third year of life
  • information and advice on
    • midwife care/ante-natal classes, childcare
    • statutory benefits, e.g. Elterngeld (parental allowance), Kindergeld (child benefit), Mutterschaftsgeld (maternity allowance)
  • counselling on contraception and help with family planning
  • arranging financial assistance, including:
    • from the Bundesstiftung "Mutter und Kind"
    • from the municipal special fund
  • help with claims for benefits under social security legislation (e.g. SGB II/Hartz IV)
  • legally recognised abortion counselling. We also issue documentation confirming that abortion counselling has been given.


Amt für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien - Schwangerschaftsberatung
(Office for children, young people and families - Pregnancy counselling service )

Hafenstr. 32
48153 Münster

Contact persons:

Annika Quitter, Phone: 0251/492-56-85
Mandy Lammers,  Phone: 0251/492-56-86

Fax: 0251/492-7754

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Opening hours

Mon and Thur          8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Tue, Wed and Fri     8:00 am – 12:00 noon